Why a Small Town in Conneticut Became the Butt-End of Jokes (Literally)

Before I explain, you should watch this video first: Jackass - Mianus

The Jackass crew traveled 5 hours to the small town of Mianus, Conneticut, USA, and created several videos of double-entendres and puns based on the pronunciation duality of Mianus (My-Anus). And here's the definition of Mianus according to urbandictionary.com:

A really funny name of a town in Ohio that gets made fun of due to the name that sounded like something from your ass. Jackass also made fun of it.
I can see Uranus from Mianus!
We're throwing a party in Mianus!
Many people live in Mianus!

"You guys, stop making fun of Mianus!" 
There's a Pizza Hut in Mianus!
Brian lives in Mianus!
There's some famus people that lives in Mianus!
A lot of bumpy roads in Mianus!
We're going to explore Mianus!
I always wanted Chris' wiener in Mianus!
You can catch brown trout in Miaus!
There's a map to Mianus!
I know Mianus better than any man, woman, or child! 
It's hard to breathe in Mianus!

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